The temporary Internet files in Internet Explorer 6 contain locally saved copies, also called cache, of recent web pages you have visited. Clearing the temporary Internet files in Internet Explorer is completely safe and should not remove any important data from your computer.
Follow the easy steps below to clear the temporary Internet files from your Internet Explorer 6 browser:
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Clearing the temporary Internet files in Internet Explorer 6 usually takes less than a minute
Here’s How:
1. Open Internet Explorer 6.
2. From the Internet Explorer menu options, choose Tools and then Internet Options….
3. In the Internet Options window that appears, click on the Delete Files… button, located in the Temporary Internet files area.
4. In the Delete Files window that is displayed, check the Delete all offline content checkbox.
5. Click OK.
6. When the Delete Files window disappears and the hourglass cursor returns to an arrow, all of the files saved (cached) from your Internet browsing activities will have been removed.
7. Click OK in the Internet Options window to complete the process and return to Internet Explorer.